Sunday, January 27, 2008


So, I donated my big stereo system to the Goodwill the other day. The tape decks weren't working (even though I never used the tape decks) and the display wasn't showing what CD was playing or the radio station numbers.
I went into Costco the other day and found this cute little set of speakers. You just put your iPOD into the back of it and it will play. Pretty cool. Look how small it is.
I've been using it as I've been painting this weekend. Thank goodness. I was going to pay someone to paint my place, but realized that I could paint it myself and save over $1,000. It's not so bad listening to the music and just giving myself 1 room a week to paint.

However, the fumes are getting to me.

1 comment:

Pam said...

That is a totally sexy look!


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