Wednesday, January 23, 2008

One of those days and ... it's not over yet!

So, it's been "one of those days."

I cancelled a doctor's appointment scheduled for 8:20 a.m. this morning because I had an 8:30 a.m. meeting that was supposed to go until 10:00 a.m. Plus, I had to go at 10:00 a.m. to a meeting that actually started at 9:00 a.m. and ran through 11:00 a.m. Problem was that I got to work at 6:30 a.m. to make sure I had all my documents copied and presentable only to find that one document was an old version! I save things every few minutes and so I'm not sure how the final version (which I had worked on perfecting with another co-worker) got lost. This happens to me about once a year and it's always on very important documents.

Anyway, got to the first meeting and talked about doing the "leaning" of processes, process improvement, etc. The meeting wasn't very productive from my perspective and that's important considering the subject matter. I then went to the next meeting that had about 12 people at a big conference table and 1/2 of us were necessary for any given discussion. My blackberry fell out of my coat pocket after my grand entry and made a loud banging noise on the chair. We presented our information, argued about next steps and then I left back to my office only to find I was missing my government access card (CAC) which means that I can't log onto my computer (or get through the gates to work for that matter) without it. So, I went back to the room and found it on the floor under an obscure part of the conference table.

I tried to work when I got back to the office, but found my emails weren't going through so no one had received documents they needed to present at their meetings. Yikes. A little later I went down to the bathroom and noticed a coat that looked similar to mine laying on a couch and realized that it was mine. Right beside it were my car keys. (I'm sure any of my family members or ex-roommates are wondering what is up because I'm fairly possessive of my stuff and know where all personal items are at all times.)

Well, let's just say...that was it. 2:00 p.m. and it was time to go home. I was going to write on this to let off steam while I was at work, but the government installation where I work blocks all "social networking and dating" sites. Not sure how this site relates to dating, but whatever.

Figured it would be best to leave the situation before there was calateral damage. The funny thing is that I'm actually in a good mood.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Did he say anything about the 'To Do' charts on your walls? :)

I'm all for doing things yourself, but sometimes it's bigger pain and ends up costing us way more money in the long run.


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