Yesterday I was at Costco and went to the aisle that I frequent only every six months. It's the one in the middle that has all the kids books, novels, movies, DVDs, etc. I'm not a shopper, but for some reason I spend about 30 minutes in this aisle every time. As I make my way around the circle I keep adding, and then subtracting, items from the cart. I'll keep finding something better or I'll find the CD version of the book and have to decide which one is either cheaper (book) or more practical for my life in traffic (CD).
Either way, yesterday was one of those very expensive days. I bought the C.S. Lewis book collection, the new Ken Follett book (World Without End), a yoga/pilates DVD set, Atonement, John Adams, Anne of Green Gables and Pride and Prejudice. What? The "what?" is for the last line. I don't know what got into me, but I had the sudden need to own the two movies that all of my sisters and friends love - Anne of Green Gables and Pride and Prejudice.
A few years ago one of my roommates got in a car accident and was at home for a while before returning to work. She watched Pride and Prejudice all the time and often asked me to watch it with her. I always declined because I really wasn't interested in the "people dressed like that" and "talked like that." Prejudice from Rebecca? Anyway, a couple of years ago, my brother and his wife lived with me and encouraged me to watch the series with them. I remember thinking that I should be able to handle it if my brother enjoyed it. Long story short...we stayed up all night so we could finish the entire 6 hours. I really liked it, but never figured I'd watch it again.
So, after having an extremely productive day on Saturday, I decided to pop in the DVD around 6 p.m. and as was expected, I watched the entire thing. I loved it! Perhaps I'm just socially delayed, but I'm understanding these movies a little more each time and the outfits didn't bug me as much. It's amazing how much they still do relate to our society even though those moments of pride and those moments of prejudice may manifest themselves in other ways. We place so many limitations on ourselves.
I don't see myself becoming too enthralled with the array of movies that depict these past times, but I will most likely be open to one that I would have shunned in times past. After all, I did read "The Pillar of the Earth" by Ken Follett recently and it's about knights, monks, and castles. Soooo not what I'm interested in.
Just for memory sake, I'm going to throw in a photo of the "Victorian Club" that was formed by my sisters and our friend Marcia way back in the 1980s. We had a few little gatherings, but I couldn't tell you what they consisted of because it wasn't quite my thing. In actuality, there were probably 1-2 meetings and the rest of the time it was primarily everyone looking at the Victorian catalog to find refined ways to decorate their bedrooms.

Ok, I'm the one that is not wearing any lace and didn't prepare a proper hair do.
That was fun. I wonder if there is some club for tough guys who like Jane Austen.
Ha. Maybe you should start one. They should at least know that the dresses have "empire waists." Ha. Christine got such a kick out of that.
Awesome! I remember when Shirley watched P&P all the time because Kimberly watched it all the time too and I wanted to die. I finally saw it years later and also enjoyed P&P... but not enough to watch it everyday.
LOVED your outfit, by the way.
Wow...that seems so long ago!! Ya...I think we only met once or twice!!! Remember we all gave ourselves Victorian names too? ahahahahah!
And....I will have to see that version of P&P. I have only since the old black and white one with Lawrence Olivier!! very stiff.
R, I wonder what Scott is doing as a member of the victorian club, or is that Renaye? Refer to Alma's comment about "some club" for tough guys...
Haaa. That is hilarious. I never even noticed the resemblance. I'll have to get Scot on the blog and yes, the rugby boys might be able to start some club for P&P. Most of them have already replicated the long sideburns before and could probably modify an oxford shirt to look like the Mr. Darcy guy.
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