Saturday, March 15, 2008

Cookies Anonymous - clean for 6.5 days

My name is Rebecca and I am a cookie -oholic. I think it started in the 8th grade when I took a home economic class and learned how to make good chocolate chip cookies. Cookie making became the default treat I would bake at home when there was nothing in the cupboards. I made quite a few "chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips" and "peanut butter blossoms without the Hershey kiss."

This past two years I've very frequently (3-4 times a week) purchased a row of little cookies and a carton of milk to be the treat along with my lunch. Well, you can see where that leads.

Anyway, this past weekend I ate two boxes of Girl Scout thin mints on Saturday and carried with me an agonizing headache for all of Sunday and Monday. No amount of drugs would help. I've experienced this in the past when I've downed high quantities of thin mints or mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Regardless, enough was enough. I decided to admit I had a problem and go into rehab. Right now rehab consists of cookie avoidance, but soon I may need to go to hypnosis, start a Cookies Anonymous meeting and join an online support group. Numerous cookies have made their way into my line of sight, but I have been clean for 6.5 days.

I do have a sponsor - a co-worker that is supposed to stop smoking. So, I check up on her and she checks up on me. Surprisingly, I've been clean longer. Let's see how long this can last.


Pam said...

You've switched to cookies? Whatever happened to your boxes of "emergency brownies"? :)

RebeckerOnline said...

Oh, I still have those on hand, but that's more for if I need to provide a treat at work or something. The funny thing is that I'll probably have to check the expiration date on those boxes. Like I said, I just keep switching substances. It was primarily Twizzlers in college.


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