Ok, so BYU takes rugby pictures with incorrect lighting on a consistent basis, but here's Brett's picture.
It looks like BYU won the Wasatch Cup for the third year in a row. I looked up the info on the BYU rugby site and found a little sports report.
I must say that I do enjoy watching rugby. Partially, it's because I can never really track the ball. I will think it's under some kind of pile of players, but out of the corner of my eye there will be swift movement in another part of the field and yep, the ball has somehow transfered over to the new location through some kind of strateg-ery that is beyond the grasp of the untrained eye.
Speaking of rugby, there is a movie that is supposed to come out with my brother Craig in it - Forever Strong - where he plays some rugby as well. Not sure on the movie status, but the premier seemed to bring positive reviews. Ok, at that link take special note that my brother Chris added me to the list of people on the movie. Yes, I did actually sit in the bleachers and do fake clapping and yelling while sitting by an actual dummy.

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