Monday, April 7, 2008

Cookies Anonymous - 28 days clean!

Yep, I haven't eaten a cookie in 28 days. I've even cut back on peanut M&Ms until the weekends. With a little more walking everyday, some yoga (about 15 minutes a week - it's kind of boring), and lifting some weights...I've trimmed off about 8-9 pounds. It's a good start, but at 6 feet that doesn't amount to much.

I'm just very proud that I got this far. The most amazing thing is that I'm not tempted to have one. I suspect it has something to do with a pre-occupied and stressed mind, but that will be in another blog entry.


gollyjess said...

I just can't imagine a pre-occupied and stressed Rebbeca.

RebeckerOnline said...

yes, I guess this a typical state of mind for me...just heightened even more as is evident by the new gray hairs. Or, is that grey?

Elise said...

Rebecca, you are amazing. I could never give up cookies. How do you do it!? You'll have to write a book when this is over. Trust me--it will be a national best seller.


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