Now I have to figure out a good name for this, but I'm not good at forcing these types of things.
A few ideas:
- Blogtion - blog and action combined
- Blogdeas - blog and ideas combined
- Blogites or Blog bites - but, this too is taken elsewhere on the Internet
Perhaps I will get a better idea as time goes on and will create a useful phrase. For now, they will be "blog pickles."
Now, this pickle term does have a story.
A long time ago when I was a missionary, we often left people with a little spiritual thought from scripture or an inspirational quote. At first I would write these out on pieces of paper, but then I started to type them up, cut them out and glue them to construction paper. Often the little notes would kind of look like pickles. I actually found one amongst my mission pictures.

Whenever we read a good quote or scripture, we would write it down and keep it for those moments every few weeks when we had access to a typewriter (yes, a typewriter) or a computer (back when the font was orange and the screen was black).
And so, the term "little quote pickles" was born. And now the term "blog pickles" carries the tradition on.
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