Monday, June 9, 2008

Kudos to Hilary Clinton

Actually, I can't believe I'm writing this entry, but some things must be acknowledged.

I received this automatic email from CNN on Saturday:

-- Hilary Clinton suspends campaign, endorses Barack Obama for president

I've not been a Hilary fan, but can anyone deny that this woman can fight, endure, debate, defend, etc. with the best of them? She really is quite the contender!

It is also refreshing that we are in a point in time where black, white, women, men, Hispanic, Mormon, war hero, UFO believer, evangelical, old, young, etc. can all run for president. Granted, some of these (race, gender, age) are things that we have no control over. In fact, I've decided that I should select someone to vote based upon things they choose for themselves and not what they are/are not born with, but even so it is great that this barrier has either been overcome or is in process.

So, even though I'm more likely than most people I know to vote Republican, kudos to Hilary for a fight well fought and the will to keep going even when I would talk to the tv and tell her to give it up. Maybe I should stop listening to the naysayers in my life and take some advice from her.

1 comment:

Pam said...

I agree. Like Hillary or not, she should be congratulated for her leadership and overcoming prejudices to running for the highest office in the land. Her progress will open the door for women in ALL areas.

But what I'm REALLY excited about is my Republican friends and those who aren't so into politics... they're acknowledging the diversity of this election and are excited about it, too. See you at the voting booth (and next week).


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