Thursday, July 3, 2008

Spiders - first destruction of the season

I would like to announce that I killed my first spider of the season yesterday. It was a large spider in the doorway of an external stairwell I was going to descend to go to a meeting. This is the exit I take when I want to avoid the boys (management) and others that may be wandering around on the main floor of our building.

Anyhow, I saw the spider, got the shivers and immediately went to the copier for a spare piece of paper. I think the guy standing near me thought I was running. I had to explain to him that I have an especial dislike for spiders, but rather than run, I become determined to eradicate them. After all, knowing that one is near causes anxiety and a unique itching sensation.

Sorry to all those that believe in sparing the lives of innocent little critters. Do take note - I do not kill these little souls when they are found in nature. After all, it is I who has invaded their habitat. This is why I rarely sit at outside picnic tables or on chairs built into the ground at parks. There are little hidden web creators that anxiously await the unaware nature lover, surface glancing, trusting victim.

And so, when it comes to indoors...I return the favor.

This is my place of dwelling and I should be able to dwell with no such intrusion. Last summer a huge spider got into my car (probably from work) and created Charlotte webs all around the interior of my car. Now, least you think I have an old pick-up that's been parked out in three feet of weeds, let me clarify. I have a four year old car that is rather clean with a beautiful leather interior. I rarely eat in it and rarely have to clean it because I just don't get it dirty. So, this was a traumatic experience. So traumatic that I 1.) bug bombed it 2-3 times with spray meant for an entire condo and 2.) got my car detailed, but not before making sure I had rides with other people for a few days. I almost sold my car I was so grossed out.

Back to my story...

So, I got rid of that spider, threw out the crinkled paper and was about to again head out the door.

Ahhh! There was an even bigger spider in my path and it was kind of hopping around on it's web.

Hmmm. This is a slightly more difficult situation. It is risky going after these types because they somehow never get into the tissue or object meant to destroy them and so it's best to just drown them in Raid.

Through a careful three second analysis, I came up with 1.) No Raid can nearby 2.) It's not my house and 3.) I already killed one today.

I went down the stairs and out the other door.


BYU Rugby Forever said...

haha, that is hilarious! i guess girls and women in general are quite disturbed by spiders... i don't really worry that much; if i see a spider, i get rid of it and its entourage immediately, pretty much without any reaction. so, i totally understand, becca!

Pam said...

I hate hate hate spiders. I don't go outside on a mission to kill all spiders, but if they're in my house or car (I had a big one in my car too and it was quite traumatic for a week until it made a mistake and I was finally able to dispose of it), then they die. I'm pretty sure PETA doesn't like me now.


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