Saturday, October 25, 2008

Addiction Recovery Program

Some family and friends have told me about this amazing program that our church has focused on overcoming addictions. I've seen changes in the lives of those that have participated and I'm thinking I'm going to ask about being involved in it myself.

In the meantime, I found the link to the basics of the program -,11666,6629-1-3414-1,00.html - and it has the actual manual available for download.

I guess you don't even have to share what your addiction is or if you even have one and so it makes it a safe environment to learn, discuss, practice and grow.

Anyway, thought I'd share since I had a conversation with my friend Ann today and when I brought this up she said she had heard of it, but I don't ever hear of this talked about much in actual church meetings. Maybe hanging out in primary for a few years hasn't helped, aye?

1 comment:

M Crew said...

Hands down a wonderful program. I see the change first hand because of this class and couldn't be more grateful!


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