Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Another computer message

I tried to post a comment on Pam's blog (  and hit the button twice.

Here's the message I got:

Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you've already said that!

I'm glad it detected it. No need to have my long grammatically incorrect message duplicated.

Perhaps it's just a funny message to me because there are so many people that I would like to say this to throughout the day. Sometimes I'd like to stop and say this about myself to recover from verbal discourse gone wrong.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Oh sweetie... I hope you took my blog today as humorous. It was totally meant to be funny because I am so excited for you, to see you and to get out of here and go HOME! Let me know if there's ANYTHING I can do for you to make your day perfect! Love you!


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