Saturday, October 11, 2008

Blog Blunders

So, I see a comment on my cousin's blog from a person named "Tam" and I followed the link to a website of a Tammy and xxx. It had a new baby on it and so I thought it was my cousin's blog. I wrote a note saying I was her long lost cousin. Of course, now that I think about it ...she had a new baby like four months ago.

Today I went back to her blog and thought I might recognize some of the links on her blog roll. None were familiar and none seemed to be from her family or area of the country.

I went back to my cousin's blog and realized it was a different Tammy by the initial she placed at the end of her comment.

Such are the surprises in the blog world.

1 comment:

It's just Barb said...

Hello. You are Tammy's cousin. I'm her mother-in-law and you left a comment on my blog asking for her email and I'm sorry I didn't give it to you yet. I forgot about it.



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