Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Weekend Adventures - sister, car woes and little Tirsa

This weekend was fairly interesting. I took a drive through the Shenandoah loop, but will write about that after another trek to the loop since the fall colors have not yet arrived at that location.

On Saturday I took walks, did my errands for the week and actually spent a little time cleaning the house since my sister (Renaye) was planning to come down and stay with me for a couple of days.

Around 9:30 p.m. on Saturday night I got a call from her husband saying that her car broke down while in heavy traffic on I-95 right by Baltimore. Joy. Not a good place for her to break down and not good that she had little Tirsa (five months old) with her. Plus, it was a Saturday night and no one wants to be on I-95 or the Jersey Turnpike or anything like unto it on a Saturday nights. It seems that all the weirdos that drive 100 mph are out practicing their racing skills. Some of these racers had caused a fatal accident ahead of her and the car stalled out while they sat in three hour traffic awaiting the wreck to clear. Luckily, a state trooper felt bad and took her and baby to the station where I was able pick them up. We got home safely very late at night/early next morning. I'm just glad they were safe as well as other drivers. One of the motorcyclists weren't so lucky. And, none of the other friends on motorcycles even stopped to help their friend that got thrown around the traffic. They were off before anyone could stop them. Shameful!

Anyway, it was good to talk and catch up with Renaye while playing with little Tirsa baby. She looks just like my sister did when she was that age. I'll have to put up the pictures to compare.

Cute little Tirsa! It is so interesting to watch these little people. Their personalities are definitely determined at a very young age. She liked to hold hands while she slept and did not like having any blankets on her. She would kick them off if you put them on her and would go back to sleep immediately if they were taken off. So funny! I had forgotten how much little babies wake up during the night too. But, they sure give you a work out carrying them around.

Posted by PicasaOn Monday we went back up to Baltimore, found out the car had a timing belt issue (good thing it went out when she was just sitting in traffic and not driving 70 mph) and might not be fixed that day. We found this out around noon and started driving toward New Jersey. We were able to meet up with the family a few hours away and she made it safely home.

Yes, it was a lot of driving, but hey...we were still able to have all the conversations we would have had sitting around the living room and we probably ate a lot less food too.

1 comment:

M Crew said...

Oh my heck that baby is darling!


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