Friday, March 13, 2009

Ode to the Blackberry

Oh, ode to the Blackberry,
all black and worn,
you were my friend,
though my thumbs are all torn

You woke me up daily,
at 5:00 a.m. sharp,
for almost three years,
your screen glowed in the dark

Your keyboard, magnificent,
it came with real keys,
nifty little ear piece,
so to drive with great ease

From carpool, to office,
to home and on travel,
used mostly for email,
very little babble

Alas, and a lack,
you were there by my side,
to your last day,
when you crashed by my ride

With your screen all a shatter,
and scratches and bangs,
it's unfortunate, yes,
but, it's time for a change

Oh, ode to my Blackberry,
I've left you alone,
Now I've had to move on,
to my...dare I say it, iPHONE!

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