Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thin Mints Anonymous

I came into work this morning and a good friend brought in some Girl Scout thin mints to share with me. My favorite!
Last year I ate two boxes in less than 12 hours one Saturday as I sat at my computer working/watching a movie. It took three days for the headaches to go away! You would think this would be a deterrent for future cookie eatage.
Nope. And since I don't practice the act of giving up something for lent, there is little motivation to avoid Girl Scout cookie season.
However, it is always helpful to have a risk mitigation strategy in place and so I offer this one to you for free.
Here's the process:
1 - Eat two thin mints - this is a completely involuntary action when in the presence of a Girl Scout cookie box.
2 - Pop the necessary aspirin/ibuprofen into mouth with appropriate liquid ration. Swallow.
3 - Continue eating thin mints.
4 - Get on the treadmill 30 minutes ...for each row of cookies eaten. That's right - not by individual cookies, by individual rows. (Note: the boxes and rows are smaller now and so this is extremely helpful in eliminating some calories and a whole lot of guilt).
5 - Remove yourself from the situation if multiple boxes exist OR remove the cookies from the situation. Do not give them to a close friend. Give them to someone you don't like to approach.
6 - Think about signing up for a hypnosis session or visiting a local AA group for a meeting. Or, better yet - join me for TMA - Thin Mints Anonymous. Or, if we need to make it broader for Girl Scout Cookies Anonymous (GSCA) I am happy to accommodate.
Hope this helps!


Elise said...

Hah, now I'll know what you really think of me if you ever give me a box of cookies. . .

ME said...

What about Girl Scout cookies anonymous?! You know those 2 boxes I bought when talking to you on the phone. GONE! My husband didn't even see them. And our Hometeachers brought 2 boxes..mostly gone and then another teacher brought some more today...of course I had one. Glad they come only once a year!! Of course it has been 5-6 years since I had any so maybe I was just catching up...yeah that is it. ...

Pam said...

My boxes will be delivered tonight and I'm scared. I'm not kidding... I have a problem. I'd like to say the cookies will remain in the freezer until my next group of company arrives, but who am I kidding? I'll devour all 4 boxes over the weekend.

Madsens said...

No kidding. That is so hilarious. James came home with a box of Girl Scout cookies last night to be exact and I think I ate the entire box without even thinking. I'm so excited when I get your comments on our blog. It makes me feel like maybe you are not so far away. Remember our walks at the "Y"? I remember laughing a lot with you. You are so fun. Love, Tammy

RebeckerOnline said...

Well, for the record...I relapsed. I went into Walmart for a cheap vacuum tonight and they were selling cookies outside.

Can you believe I paid with my debit card (which I never do) just so I could get money to buy a box of thin mints?

Goodness! However, I did resist the temptation of buying two.

Serenity Now!

Anonymous said...

I ate 2 boxes of Samoas this weekend and 1/2 box of Thin Mints. Can I blame it on PMS??? I can't stop myself and all I want to eat is Samoas... I know they're selling them at the grocery store around the corner from my house. Maybe I should stock up for the summer (they freeze wonderfully). And I'm having company in a few weeks. I think I just talked myself into a few more boxes.

I need help.

Unknown said...

The same office friend brought me another row of thin mints the other day. Serenity now! I ate the entire row while talking to her about how I shouldn't be eating them.


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