Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Secret Happiness - Wood Flowers

On Monday (yesterday) a high school friend of mine came into town. I don't look fondly on high school and so I had a little anxiety when she said she would be in town. After all, this year is my 20 year class reunion and it's been ....a long time! But, Rungludi was my locker partner and we met because she was from Thailand and I lived there when I was a little girl.

It was so good to see her. We talked for four hours and went to one restaurant for dinner and another for dessert. Ha. Kind of like a progressive dinner reunion style.

She was in town for an art show that she attends every year to sell her wood flowers and vases.

She surprised me with a gift at the end of the evening. Some wooden flowers! They are so beautiful and vibrant. She designed each of these and it sounds like a lot of hotels and restaurants by them to provide low maintenance and beautiful color.

Here's her website - http://www.dmwoodart.com/

These will definitely go in my "good gifts" file. I love when people share their talents in their gifts. And, I love getting back in touch with people from the past (thanks Facebook). I'm always amazed at the success of my friends and hope that some of it rubs off on me one of these days. (-:

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