Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Gettysburg and Amish Country

This first picture is actually from 1978 - my Dad took it on a family trip we went on a loooong time ago. I took a similar picture this time, but figured I'd post the older picture. I didn't want to act like a gawking tourist, but wish I had been able to get some nice pictures of the cute kids waving to us from the back of the carriages. The best picture not taken was that of a girl in her Amish dress, drinking from a water bottle while roller blading up the free way. Classic! I will return and find her. That photo would make it into National Geographic...I'm sure of it.

Anyway, this weekend we took a little drive because we needed a break. Or, I needed a break. My intent was to visit Gettysburg, but we also drove through Amish country in Lancaster County. It's only about 20 miles from Gettysburg and so it's not a far shot.

Let's just say that it was kind of sad going to Gettysburg this time. It looks like the government funding has been removed. The grass is high everywhere instead of nicely mowed lawns. The visitor center is permanently removed and there is grass growing on the spot where the red brick building once stood. The visitors weren't as plentiful as usual and it's even that time of year where there should be crowds.

It was sad to see such an important site so unkempt. Still, it was good to walk around the grounds, climb the look out tower, drive through Little Bighorn, and survey the Pickett's charge infantry assault area.

This place always instills a sense of gratitude in me and I have to ask myself - "What am I doing for my country?"

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