We had a conference this past week and this was one of the items that we all received in our conference bag. It's a squishy eagle - instead of the typical stress ball.
Yes, I had to position it this way because it has the engraving of our government organization emblazoned across the front of it.
Just wanted to keep you informed of your tax dollars hard at work.
I'm in the middle of determining whether to give this to a niece or nephew, take it to work or donate it to the Goodwill.
Send it to your congressman thanking him...or better yet to your local hometown mayor....
This is funny. I'm trying to imagine how I would feel if I were to personally write the check to pay for your eagle.
Nope. Doesn't make me feel satisfied. How about a milkshake instead? Now THAT is a good stress reliever, and THAT is something I'd be willing to fund.
I like it! Put it on top of an American flag! Better yet: glue it to the hood of your car. I know! dress up as a pirate for halloween and fasten it to your shoulder and call him Edgar.
That would be Ed-grrrrr. I wonder if this is something Barrack personally placed into the stimulus package--some factory down south is stayin' alive because of your squishy eagle.
Or another wonder: doesn't this add to the whole "America, the Proud" image our President is working so hard to denounce? I dunno.
P.s--you can hand deliver it to 'our' nephew(s) if you would like.
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