Wednesday, July 8, 2009


This finally came today and is an interesting little tidbit.

Once every hundred years or so it happens.

Take a look:,0,1623610.story

At 12:34:56 (around lunch time) today - 07/08/09 it all lines up to 123456789.

Not important, but worth a share.


gollyjess said...

This is absolutely important. I watch with bated breath every noon time for 12:34. Thanks for mentioning it!

RebeckerOnline said...

Wow. Really?

Funny thing - for some reason I look up at the clock at 9:11 almost every day. So weird. Maybe it is left over post traumatic stress or something...or not...because I just looked at the clock and it is 9:04. So, maybe I am breaking the spell now that I've identified it to the public.


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