Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Licorice Mega Pack

Folks, you may wish that I don't have access to an iphone after a
while. It is too accessible to me and therefore gives you too much of
a window into the unimportant parts of my life.

However, you need to admit with me, that this bag of licorice was a
pretty great find. For distance purposes, please note that my shoe is
a size 12 womens (10 mens).

This is a big bag! Thanks to my co-worker who found it.

Most people do not realize it, but I used to eat licorice like some
people chew gum. I am a little better at controlling my habit now and
no longer need to attend licorice anonymous. However, back in the day
when I actually had to lead groups at a drug and alcohol center, I
would introduce licorice and cookies as my drugs of choice. In college
we would go on "licorice runs" for a break.

Who would think that pure sugar headache inducing red sticks could
create so many memories?

1 comment:

Lorena said...

I have many good memories associated with red licorice. I am party to a few of those late night licorice runs you refer to. Looking back, I guess one could equate it with a late night liquor run. Therefore, I too am a recovering licorice binge eater. I've been clean for nearly five years. Haven't even been tempted to buy some until just now. Thank you very much!


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