Friday, July 3, 2009

Memory Lane - Independence Day

It's 4th of July time of year again and with it brings lots of memories of picnics, city fireworks and personal firework purchasing endeavors that were a little too bold for my teenage years (though I didn't realize that until recently). I would regularly purchase quite a bit with paper route, lawn mowing and babysitting money. I liked the ones that popped about 20-30 feet in the air ....and I'm talking about the actual firecracker and not just the spring of fire. What were those called? It seemed like they were called "flowers" or something to that effect.

For some reason, by far the most memorable July 4th was in Pasadena/Glendale, California in 1976.

The bicentennial year.

I remember sitting up on a 2nd story deck of a home or hotel and watching a parade and fireworks.

Even better, we got little flags and special hats to where to celebrate the occasion.

I had to lighten up the dark pictures a little bit, but it was a pretty festive affair for a five year old (me) and my little sisters. Of course, dressing up was always a festive affair at that point in life, but somehow I think we were involved in making some of these hats. But, memory could be off at that point in life.

Either way, this one still sticks in my mind even though I've participated in the celebrations for the National Capital a few times while I've lived out here.

Happy Independence Day!
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