Friday, July 10, 2009

Time to Blog

A lot of people say they don't have time to blog.

For me, it's more of a decision not to for most of the week.

However, it doesn't really take that much time - does it?

I spent about 5-10 minutes on an entry. This one will take two minutes.

Is that bad? Maybe others spend more time. With me it just comes flowing out.

Perhaps I need to hire an editor to go back and make sure the wordiness of it all is trimmed out.

But, then it wouldn't be my blog with all of the imperfections of a stressed woman quickly emptying out her brain to free up the thoughts.

Ok, it took 50 seconds.


55 seconds.


BYU Rugby Forever said...
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BYU Rugby Forever said...

I like this post! Very poetic! :)


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