Sunday, May 30, 2010

In Honor of our Vets

Today I made a conscious effort to take more pictures of the Vets on the National Mall. It is all about them and what they have done for our country. Even for those wars that are debated as senselessly created by our government, most of those that fought felt they were doing the right thing and put their lives on the line.

As I sat and watched them interact, strut their stuff and rev their bike motors, there were a few moments where it looked like they were 19 years old again (the average age of the solider in Vietnam) with the same insecurities and dreams of "back in the day."

So young and inexperienced in life and yet their actions determined so many political outcomes. So much resting on their shoulders when they were probably still worrying about their first girlfriend, if they were going to grow a beard, or if their allowance would cover gas money for their first car.

A new generation of Vietnam vets is in the works right now. They are still young for the most part. They don't get enough recognition and yet most will be paying the price for the rest of their lives (if they haven't already given their life) for the choice to go to battle for our country. This new crop of Vets already visits the National Mall with the Vietnam Vets. I saw them today. Lost limbs, post-traumatic stress, and skill sets that may/may not help them move forward in the modern economy.

They hope it wasn't for nothing.

I hope so too.

I didn't go and didn't want to go. Shame on me on being so selfish and timid.

Luckily, there are other ways to serve. The question is, will I do it? Will I daily pay whatever price for freedom?

I've asked myself this question every time I've visited Gettysburg and the Manassas Battlefield Park. Some of the bloody battlefields of the Civil War. There is a powerful feeling on hollowed ground. Some people fight for their rights, some people fight for others rights and some people fight for the rights of an entire nation. How beautiful is that?

Who am I?
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1 comment:

Tiffani said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and photos about your Memorial Day weekend. I didn't know you had a close acquaintance die in the 9/11 attacks. It is still mind boggling all the damage that was done that day. Happy Memorial Day!


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