Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Miracle Suits - er perhaps just improvement

So, I needed a swimsuit and swim shorts recently and stumbled upon the Eddie Bauer Miracle Suit. They are basically "basic." However, they promise to suck you in and so I went out on eBay and bought a new one for half the price (since on sale the one I wanted was $120 through Eddie Bauer).

They do help. At least it feels like they help and isn't that half the battle with a swimsuit?

Only one problem - when you suck in the flesh in one spot, it has to pop out of another. It is kind of like the water displacement method - once you put an object in the water, the water that is displaced must move somewhere.

So, how does this relate?

Well, the Miracle Suit can perform miracles on the part that it covers, but the extra flesh must go somewhere and has to pop out the edges. I tried to find a picture on the Internet because I'm smart enough not to use myself as an example, but couldn't find any that were appropriate for my blog.

But, I'm sure we've all seen plenty of examples at our own pools and beaches.

In the meantime, I'm lucky I bought some little swim shorts to go with it and I'm going to get swimmin those laps!

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