Monday, August 30, 2010

Bros come to visit

So, this weekend I was lucky to have a couple of my brothers come in to town. I've been a lucky a few times this summer. One flew in from Chicago and the other rode a bus down from Manhattan. And yet another person (brother's girlfriend) drove for hours from southern Virginia to come for the visit.

I offered a cramped condo (storing 1.5 rooms of furniture for someone for one month), little tidbits of food, and driving without a chauffeurs license.

We never did meet up with different cousins, as it always seems to coordinate more than 2-3 people nowadays.

Craig offered never ending meals at the Silver Diner.

We took a walk at Manassas Battlefield Park, if only to experience Virgina with fewer people. Perhaps I should sign up to be a tour guide since I frequent it way too much!

It's always great to catch up with members of the family. Plus, they forced me to open some gifts that I received over two years ago - Monopoly and Clue. Craig won Monopoly and Amber won Clue, but does it matter that I was a close second on Monopoly?

Ahhhh well. I was comforted that one night all the youngins feel asleep before me ....and I'm 11 years older than the oldest of them.

That counts as a secret happiness in my book. More later. I'm catching from four days of visitors and long hours of lost work....but I'm not complaining.
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1 comment:

Tiffani said...

I called and left you a message last weekend. It may not have worked - it seems like the phones were jammed. Anyway, Tonya and I had a great visit in D.C.


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