Many may immediately question my writing on this topic because I'm neither a housewife nor do I claim to have amazing faith.
However, as a human being, I am entitled to always work on my faith. And, I happen to know a lot of "housewives" as a daughter, sister and friend to a few hundred of them.
Yes, I've exhibited faith at many points in life, but I also realize that I'm a frequent "doer" in ways that may at times be too hasty to really let faith play out to the best outcome.
As of late, my faith has been tested. Truly tested. Tested to the point where I've realized that absolutely nothing I can orchestrate, create or implement can make a difference.
All I can do is pray, trust, and have faith in miracles.
This is an interesting place for me. I am finding that I rely way too much on the "arm of the flesh."
As I was pondering the meaning of this the other day, I had a thought. The thought about housewives and their faith.
I've worked for money since I was eight years old. Lots of babysitting, lawn jobs, paper routes, making and selling chocolate suckers and padded scrapbook albums, etc. I am still working for money every day.
What about a stay at home mom? Almost every mom I know is capable (regardless of education level) of going out and making good money to support a family. Many of those moms are capable of making BIG money and could take over that aspect AND run the entire household.
But, think about the faith required to give that up? To be at home with children managing a household and knowing you can provide, but leaving it up to your husband. Being supportive in every way, but truly letting go and letting him be the breadwinner. Having to pray to make sure that his job remains lucrative, stable, etc.
Every situation is different and perhaps not everyone woman is in a situation where she doesn't work. Or, perhaps the roles are changed and the man is filling that role eagerly or by circumstance.
Either way, I've realized that takes a lot of faith to "let go and let God" and the thought of the housewife faith gave me a sudden, and tremendous, respect for any woman/man that has this level of faith.
Can I get to that point?
Doing that doesn't just apply to a stay at home mom keeping up with the home, finances, children, car, taxi service, etc. It is a concept that can be applied to many other areas of our lives.
Do I have the faith to let go of a job that may not be right for me even if it is secure and pays me well right now? Do I have faith to not thwart the experiences someone else has to go through in order to learn certain lessons? Do I have the faith "to walk into the darkness a few steps hoping that the way ahead will be lit?"
Do I have the faith to follow God's will and not my own even if it doesn't make sense to me at the time?
Right now it is important to at least ask the questions, even if the feet haven't yet moved in the right direction. The realization that I may not have as much faith as I thought is big enough that it occupies my thoughts a lot.
The good news, and there is some, is that the moment this concept is realized it can be worked on, changed, practiced......
And, it can be re-realized over and over and over again.
How beautiful is this concept. The key for me is reading about it frequently and having that re-light bulb going off in my head that the following are true principles:
- God loves me
- He wants what is best for me
- He expects me to have faith in Christ
- He is willing to give me whatever I righteously ask, perhaps not in the way I expected, but what is best for my needs
- He can perform miracles if I believe He can
- He wants my heart and mind to be with Him - if He gets that, He can help me become the best me and I will assist Him in being a part of miracles intended for others
So, where is there room for doubt knowing that these bullets are true?
Perhaps I'll call one of my housewives and ask them how it is done. I'm sure they'll have an experience to share. (-:
I have thought lots about this in the past few years, especially the last year. I never wanted to work and then I had to because I wasn't married and it turned out that I really enjoyed being a career woman. I loved most every job I had and felt fulfilled. I was nervous then about getting married and having to let go of that independence. I was worried about living off of someone else's money.
Not a week goes by that I don't think of some way that I could start a home business or go to work part time to bring in some extra income or make myself feel useful and every time I have to put the thought in the back of my head and look at my son and remind myself that he is my purpose in life right now. And my support him and make sure my house is clean, he has clean laundry for work, a hot/cold meal when he gets home.
It hasn't always been easy as I am not used to living this life but it has been joyful and I wouldn't want to spend my time with anyone else than my son and husband right now.
Growing up I was torn because I wanted to be both a mother and a great contributor to society through my career. As life has moved forward, the desire to be a wife and mother has increased but the possibility of obtaining those things has decreased every day.
As of late I've felt cheated and angry and on top of that, severely stressed. The economy still stinks and there's a VERY good chance I'll lose my job within the next few months. I'm not married and have no one to lean on; I have to provide for myself and my future and it's terrifying.
So forgetting about love and a family of my own, do I have faith that God will guide me on a path that's right for me? I'm working on that one.
Great post!
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