Over the past few weeks I've taken on a lot.
Worked extra hours, took on some extra side work, visited relatives, babysat seven kids, read and listened to inspiring books, and dealt with some real tough issues with a friend.
Through it all, I've technically been in bed eight hours a night, but go into work dragging a bit. The cash register guy in the work cafeteria said "You look good, but you also look like you smoked pot this morning."
Hmmmm. Haven't done that before and don't plan to start now, especially if I can get the same effect without it.
Really, though, I may be overwhelmed.
It is hard to make shifts in our lives. If I had it my way, I'd probably quit my job, take a two week vacation, and then come back fresh and ready to start a new set of goals, jobs, etc.
However, I'm not independently wealthy and life typically doesn't fit all nice and segregated like that when we want to orchestrate personal changes in direction.
So, I sit here knowing that I need to make changes, wanting to make them and realizing that it will take a lot of work to keep up old commitments while implementing new. It will be mentally exhausting, but good will come from it.
In the meantime, I may look like I'm on a few drugs.
Sorry to hear that you are overwhelmed- you looked great at our house the other night (no drug use look about you:). We had a great time and hope to do it again soon. We really liked Ohio and I'll be blogging about it sometime this week. Hope you can have the courage, energy, and faith it takes to make those big changes that will bring you more happiness in the end!
You are amazing Rebecca! You really are! and among all of it, you still take time to think about your little friends Brielle and Braden and bring them treats and presents. You have a heart of gold. Seriously. I was telling Scott the other day, that I think you are one of the most thoughtful and kind people I know! (oh! and genuine too!) I can tell you are faithful and if I can see it, I know for a fact the Lord sees it too. I hope with all of my heart that everything resolves and that you can get that peace in your life that you deserve!
We love you!:)
I sure hope you find ways to lower the stress. It's seriously so hard. As you know, I've been writing about stress & the adrenals & I need to write a post on lifestyle changes and de-stressing, but it's so much easier said than done, that I can't bring myself to write the post. I'd feel like a big hypocrite. So we'll both keep trying. :) Good luck- I agree with Denisse- you do deserve that peace in your life. ((Hug))
Wow! When I see these comments I realized how blessed I am to have good friends near and far. It is so great to have a virtual support system. (-:
I'm realizing that this is something that has to be addressed every week differently. One week I'll conquer it for that week and one week will be a drain.
I guess the beauty is that we can always pick back up and start again. (-;
Thanks again for your comments.
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