Saturday, November 27, 2010

Miracle on 34th Street - in November

Great storefront windows at Macys, including a few that had animated short stories playing.

Determined to see the Macys Thanksgiving Parade the night before, I met up with my sister and kids and took the train into the city. However, we realized because of timing and # of children (6), it was probably just best to go into Penn Station and see the Macys windows, a little of Times Square, and meet up with our brother Scot who lives in Manhattan.

As always, there is a bit of a "wow, we are in New York" feeling and also a bit of "eh, what is the big deal" as you walk around rubbernecking with all the other people.

The coolest thing about New York, in my opinion, is that it doesn't matter what you look like, how you are dressed and where you are from - you see all kinds and so you automatically fit into the masses of variegated people walking along.

Me and  my oldest niece - there is a bit of family resemblance, aye?
 Next time, I am going to go to the other end of the city on Thanksgiving Eve to see the balloons and parade prep the night before - slightly smaller crowds and easier to go from stop to stop on the subway and trains.

Inside the famed Macys store. We heard stories about it from my mom's parents who worked in NYC in the department stores during the Great Depression. That is an entire blog in and of itself.

My brother Scot holding my little niece - the one recovering from getting burned this summer. She LOVES Uncle Scot, but Aunt Rebecker - not so much. Hey, we win some, we lose some.

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1 comment:

Denisse said...

How fun Rebecca! Scott and I were in NYC the weekend before Thanksgiving! It's such a crazy and fun place! We loved it!

Glad you were able to spend time with family!


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