Monday, December 6, 2010

Pen nerd

So, this was just from emptying out my purse.

I don't have a pocket protector, but a purse protector.

The thought of not having enough pens on me to take notes leads me to this extreme state of pen carry-age.

So, back in the purse they go. And pen nerd I will remain.

Any other pen nerds out there?


Pam said...

I'm a pen thief. I pick up pens and then walk away with them. Of course I can't find a pen just lying around at my house when I desperately need to write something down. Probably because 9,000 of them are in the bottom of every purse I own.

RebeckerOnline said...

Haaa. I used to be a pen thief, but since then I have become picky about my pens. I like them to be colorful and have a nice flow when I put the pen to paper.

So, I guess we have a lot of pen purse nerds out there. (-:


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