Friday, January 21, 2011

Prayers - out loud

My father sent us an email with lots of little status updates, tips and thoughts. He included this little paragraph about prayers. Thought it was good to share here - at least for my access and remembrance:

"For some time I wondered what the effect would be if we did more praying out loud in personal prayers. Now I'm not talking about the routine daily prayers; I mean those heart-felt pleadings we express when we truly want to repent; when we are sincere about conquering serious problems; when we are challenged by something that seems insurmountable or unsavory. I mean those prayers more accurately described as conversations with God where we really pour out our souls and want to be heard. Often uttered in the bathroom, the bedroom, the closet, in the car or some other private place, they seem different than what is typically thougth of at the mention of the word -- prayer. These are serious chats with diety where we are deeply engaged and yearning for help. Perhaps strictly following the scriptural injunction to do so in our closet would bring extra results, especially when uttered aloud. [Matt 6:6; III Nephi 13:6; Alma 33:7 & 34:26] Something happens to the creature (you, me) when we attempt this live conversation in a private place in an audible voice. At least that is what I have been wondering about. Try it and see what you think."

"Try it and see what you think" is a good last line.
I think I will.

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