Don't you love when you reflect on an experience and realize that you are learning and growing?
Over the past two weeks I've had quite a few visitors - at my house and not at my house. Each of their visits spanned three days and the most recent visitors were important enough that I gave up my bedroom!
So, let's just say I've been a fish out of water and have a lot of catching up to do with work, websites, blogs, exercise and the like.
However, I was not a slave to my work Blackberry and this is tremendous progress for me. In fact, I accessed work email twice today and answered one work question that appeared urgent. Probably a total of 15 minutes! My iPhone was on me, but I was good at avoiding that too.
This is such a wonderful feeling! I was able to push it aside all of my personal intentions and spend more time just appreciating and enjoying the visits.
Now, if I can just get it all set up so that I can do this more often, that would be great progress. (-:
Oh, that is right - I do have the control to make this happen.
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