Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Alone Time

So, the biggest surprise of marriage for me is that I have no alone time.

Is it because I'm older and am used to a little space? Or, just anxious to take full advantage of the time we have together now?

Before, he'd leave at night and I'd stay up really late reading, getting on the computer, and catching up on emails.

Now, some of those things seem to have fallen by the wayside as I figure all of this out.

For about 8-9 hours a day I am interrupted at least every 15 minutes. It is a good thing I enjoy the people because I never get to fully concentrate. Now I don't get that at home either.

So, here's to those little moments in the car on the days I drive to/from work where I can pray, listen to music and books, and think a little bit.

Oh, I'm not complaining. More like realizing that I am entering a new phase of prioritizing and planning in different ways.

...at least I've hauled off a few more things to the Goodwill and am starting to feel less stuffed in here.

1 comment:

ME said...

ah yes, very little alone time and it gets less with kids! This is why I started running, that is my one alone time during the day to clear my thoughts. All things change but in the end it is all for the better.


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