All of my brothers, and sister, went to central or South America. I just couldn't see that continuing. The odds were against it. So, the oldest child and the youngest child got/get to go to the pacific northwest.
My brother Chris called us all and set up a "gotomeeting" on Thursday and so all eight brothers and sisters were on the conference call while Brett opened the envelope with the mission call. What a neat experience! Half the time we couldn't tell who was talking because very few of us have distinct voices, but it felt like a mini-reunion. We're going to start a tradition as a result of it and set a call up for every couple of weeks.
Anyway, here's to Brett on the next two years of his life! And, here's a picture of me those many years ago and the link to my mission book.

P.S. You must check the link called "Chris." True to the name of the blog, it has not been updated in a while. (-:
1 comment:
wahoo to brett. I hope he is happy with his call, though i am sure any call, as well as the prospect of knowing you are going to get on in life in two years time is awesome!
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