Monday, March 31, 2008

Personality Test

So, I visited a blog of someone I know (but, haven't spoken to in a few years) and she had taken an online Meyers-Brigg type personality test. She posted the results on her blog - . I took the test a long time ago when I thought I was a carefree college student, but overtime I've come to know my personality a little better and fill in the radio buttons a little better.

No surprise to me, I came out as an INTJ again and am labeled "the strategist." I usually come out as an INTP or INTJ. Either way, here's the link to see my results and you can then click a button and take your own test.

I guess 2.5% of the population fits into this category and only .5% of women. I don't know whether I should feel weird about this or unique. Either way, these tests should only be used as a resource to understanding ourselves and not the end all be all. I've actually heard people at work say things like "oh, well, he's an ENTP and so..." and "what did you expect from an ISFP." Not good to "bucket-ize" (another work word) people. Like one of my friends says - "Just remember, you are unique and different ...just like everyone else."

Note: I took this test a second time to select a couple of answers I could go either way on and I still came up as an INTJ, but slightly less strong than before. Interesting.


Life's a Dance said...

Sweet - I am an INTJ as well - no wonder I like you. :)

Unknown said...

I actually flip between ENTJ and INTJ depending on how social my mood is. I actually thought I would change over time given maturity, life experiences, but it remains constant. There's gotta be something to it then.

RebeckerOnline said...

Wow. What are the odds that two people reading my barely read blog would be in the INTJ/ENTJ category? Very cool.


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