Growing up, my bedroom was my "corner," but now that the entire house is mine I guess I had to create a "mini-corner" to fit the bill.
I'm realizing that special "corners" or "nooks" aren't so rare when I look through old family pictures.

This was a special corner, for many reasons, in our Michigan house. First, the cabinet is built into the wall and accessible from the living room behind it. We would often try to crawl through the cabinet into the other room. One of the benefits of growing up in a Frank Lloyd Wright inspired home.
Plus, we stored the little record player (shown) in that cabinet so you could access it from either room. But, as you can see, the record player never strayed from the corner. We took it out and played it right there. In fact, it looks like the record that is playing is the Mary Poppins record. You can barely make out the men in black dancing on the roof. All of the songs heard in that corner are completely memorized and when someone says a trigger word at family gatherings we all start singing the tune. "Cast off the shackles of yesterday..." or "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" or "Hound dog howdy kidlets...this is huckleberry hooouuuunnnddd."
The boys found little nooks and corners everywhere. Little Scot apparently had a special corner in the garage. The horrible yellow paint with perfectly matching burnt orange carpet scraps to
complement the decor. I'm sure that it wasn't that clean either even though sweeping the garage was one of the Saturday "duties."

Here's an interesting corner. When it rained, it became apparent

Another tidbit of thought that may provide little value beyond a fun memory. However, a bunch of these little trips down memory lane are starting to add up.
It's always so good to read memories of childhood, especially from another's point of view...mostly the same as mine, but there's always something you learn...like how ya, there were so many neat little spots in that house to make your own.
So, I'm trying to figure out if I have a corner now??? maybe my desk in the study where I do Seminary or a corner in my room where all my craft projects seem to end up!! Anyway, makes me think how i need to have a "my space" in my house! :)
Then you will love what I'm doing on Flickr. I'm uploading all of those family pictures and going to let everyone comment on them for a year or two before making a book.
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