Monday, May 5, 2008

Rugby Championships - 2008

BYU played an awesome game on Friday night. It looked good most of the time. So, they beat Colorado. But, Saturday they got intimidated or something and lost to Cal-Berkley in the final championship game. So, they are 2nd place for the third year in a row. My brother brought his little son and he proved to be quite the cheerleader yelling "go, go, go" or "uuuurrrrggggh" really loud at appropriate, and inappropriate, times. It kept the audience on our end of the stadium entertained.
I took some pictures and put them in my Flickr account for the viewing pleasure of those that want to know. Feel free to add comments as well. I need help identifying some people in the pictures.

(Picture: Alma Chris, Little Alma, Brett, Rebecca)

1 comment:

M Crew said...

I can't believe how big Bret is.. Alma told me that the mission farewell is this weekend, so enjoy the family and tell them hello! :)


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