Saturday, July 19, 2008

Riff-Raff - characters at Kings Dominion

Ok, we needed a break from all the work stress this past week and drove south to spend a few hours on roller coasters at Kings Dominion. I can only handle so much of these things and I find myself praying an awful lot just to make sure that I'm not part of some tragic accident.

However, perhaps I should have been praying for all the characters that were walking around. Good-ness! I guess this was a good dose of reality compared to the northern Virginia bubble! Some of these people forgot that they weren't sitting at home in their personal jacuzzi and/or didn't realize that hemp tattoos might not be a bad idea when you are tempted to plaster your entire body with graffiti. It's one thing when you are a legitimate Polynesian chief, but it's an entirely different story when all skin is covered with skulls/crossbones, your ex-girlfriend's first name, logo of your place of employment or a map. Yes, a map...and not for treasure.

The amazing thing was that parents already had their 5-6 year olds talking, walking, dressing and acting like themselves. That's great if you are a profound person, but what I described isn't sounding that way, aye?

It was a mixture of entertainment and sadness. Sadness because I caught a glimpse of how each person really passes on the good and the bad to the next generation.

After some rides, some nausea, some junk food and some four hours later - we decided the entertainment was enough. After all, if you stick might start thinking this is normal behavior. No thank you. For now, I will return to the bubble.

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