Anyway, it's sometimes fun to look at pictures people have posted. Some are beautiful wedding pictures, some are funny and some are from back in the day.
I was looking through a few of Craig's today and I found the comments even more entertaining than the pictures. It is a rainy day and so perhaps anything amuses me, but thought I'd copy/paste a couple of them into my blog for at least family entertainment value.
Photo One: Craig and Scot in Michigan

Scot wroteat 10:58am on January 1st, 2007
who is that pimp in the fur coat?
Craig wroteat 2:17pm on January 2nd, 2007
I think Scot is flashing gang signs
Scot wroteat 12:14pm
sweet reindeer coat... i think only we, being bread for the mafia from an early age, could pull this off
Photo 2: Craig and Scot at a Michigan beach.

Scot wroteat 10:59am on January 1st, 2007
again, this raw sexiness is overpowering!
Kiley wroteat 10:20pm on January 1st, 2007
Again with the no shirt thing.
Craig wroteat 2:18pm on January 2nd, 2007
Scot looks to funny to NOT post this one
Alma wroteat 9:37pm on January 6th, 2007
Craig, you have a belly button on your back. That is how powerful you are and why you were born so big. You had the benefit of two umbilical cords!Oh your left arm is also bending backwards.
Photo 3: Boys in Indiana - Craig, Scot and Brett

Craig wroteat 2:21pm on January 2nd, 2007
I am asking Brett "What the ...... is Scot doing?"
Rachelle wroteat 2:37pm on January 2nd, 2007
The real question is, "How can I get any of these men, including the jail-bait one???"
Alma wroteat 9:42pm on January 12th, 2007
Is that one on the right Pee Wee Herman?
Renaye wroteat 10:42am on January 10th, 2008
Don't know....but the one in the middle is definitely GEORGE MCFLY!!!!!!!!!
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