My sinuses are kind of bad right now, but not as bad as others. My boss is out for a second surgery on his without good results.
My body is a little tired, but not as tired as others. My friend has two types of inoperable cancers and couldn't get a needed gastrointestinal bypass because the cancer was intertwined into various organs. She's trying to get rest while keeping a job, getting treatments and staying involved in her civic volunteer duties.
My mind is always anxious and stressed, but not as much as others. A church member collapsed on his lawn with a heart issue and it all came down to stress on the job.
My weight is a little high, but not as high as others. Some people are overweight to the point that it is causing major health issues.
My headaches are intense, but not as much as others. Ok, the secret to this one is Excedrin Migraine and Excedrin Tension headache medicine.
So, tough stuff happens with our bodies sometimes, but I'm grateful that I'm feeling pretty good right now.
Who collapsed from the church?
I totally understand your view point. It is amazing how you feel bad, but sometimes focusing on others will help you put your situation in perspectives.
I do wish you get to sleep more, have less headaches/sinus issues (weather/allergies pending), less pressure from work, but remember that this is your struggle you choose in the pre-mortal life. Just a happy thought!
Oh, the person was in a different ward. Though, I did see a younger guy collapse while serving the sacrament last year. I think he had just been in the sun too much the day before or something odd like that.
Yes, I guess we do sign up for these things, don't we? That is why it is good to share these things I guess - how fun is it to read about perfect lives? (-:
Thanks for your comments.
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