Saturday, August 22, 2009

Betty Crocker - with a little twist

Well, I am inspired by Julia "Meryl Streep" Childs, but not to the point of totally going out on my own.

Today I went out on a tiny limb - with the help of Ms. Betty Crocker brownie powder.

It must have been inspired by the blackberry cobbler from Cracker Barrel and the need to include more walnuts in my daily diet.

Just decided to make a multi-flavored brownie. One end of the pan had walnuts merging into a mint chocolate syrup that merged into a fudge chocolate syrup that merged into little spoonlets of raspberry jam.

It's not bad. You just cut out a different little square depending upon your mood.

We'll see what fun stuff appears next week. I'm feeling domestic for the first time since 8th grade home economics class.
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