Friday, April 22, 2011

Highlight an Entrepreneur today!

So, I have a request!

In an effort to promote people that are entrepreneurs, I'm starting to ask people to highlight an entrepreneur you know through one of your social networks or blog.

Do you have an account on Blogger, Wordpress, Facebook, Twitter, or another social site?

If so, would you be willing to highlight someone that is taking a chance to forward their own good ideas - their company, their consulting services, their art, their book....?

Nudge Village - promoting entrepreneurship!

If you don't know anyone (or temporarily forgot), take a look at and select someone under the "Villager" section. There are some amazing people out there trying to make a living and creating things that never existed before they acted on their idea.

Just want to reach out and ask that we all help each other, especially in a time where a lot of people are struggling.

Oh, and if you think a little harder, you'd be surprised at how many people you know pursuing ideas and business ventures! I've been amazed at how many of my friends are actually doing so. When I brainstormed a few months ago, I realized that I knew over 100 people that were pursuing things! Wow!

P.S. Let me know if you'd like to highlight someone on the site. We are always looking for more people to talk about. (-:

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