Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Telework and $4.15 gas I love thee...

So, we have some new policies that allow me to telework more.

For me telework = productivity!

I am interrupted no less than 5-6 times an hour at my job. People need answers, they need to know what to do next, they need to know how to resolve a problem or to do some task that is the whim of the leadership.

At home, it is different. I can actually control my time a little more. I can take a five minute walk during the day - or 10, 20 or 30 - without worrying about how is expecting me to "be seen" in the right places. Yes, I still have meetings when I telework, but at least I can do other stuff behind the scenes if it isn't productive.

Ah well, I should be grateful. This new policy is coming along just at the right time with gas going over $4.15 at all the local stations.

This will mean more time taking direct routes instead of interesting routes around town and to work. This will mean more time at home and more productivity.

This is great stuff.

Guess I'd better get off this laptop and return to the work laptop (which sit side by side five inches apart) to keep up the productivity that I'm claiming here. (-:

If you get to be at home as your primary place of being each day, consider yourself lucky. You have SO much freedom that some of us are working toward.

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