So, on Saturday my husband and I "got our house in order." Since we didn't take a honeymoon (yet), there was a room full of plastic cartons to go through. Now there are only 5-6 which will be tackled at a later date.
Part of getting it all in order made me realize that I got the most important goal accomplished this year (marriage), but have neglected some of my other goals.
I am letting my husband have the extra bedroom as an office. Part of that "offering" was giving up the closet where I kept my journals, scrapbooks, supplies, etc. To light a fire under my own rear, I put all of the closet contents in my dining room.
I know - messy, eye soar, crowded, inappropriate. And that is exactly why I did it. It will force me to go through each carton, scan the contents and then throw some of them away.
Along with this project, I need to lose weight. I've been sitting about 10-11 hours a day lately. It is crazy. It messes with your metabolism. It makes the weight near impossible to get off.
Sooooooo.....we made up our own fat camp posters last night. We'll be doing all kinds of exercises overe the next three months and focusing on eating better.
I am going to take a week off from work mid-July just to ensure July is a bionic month. That same week will include two or three hours of scanning a day so that I remained balance in my goals.
I'm kind of excited. Around Thanksgiving every year I typically take the week off just to do projects and such, but I've never done it in the middle of the summer.
This year I've actually wanted to have a summer and so this is one way that I'll get it!
So, I'll show periodic updates to these two items just to make sure I'm reporting out to cyberspace on process.
I can't wait!
such a Rebecca poster! Love it! I need one myself because I have let eating slide lately and I want to start training for a 10k. I realized I always need a goal to work towards. Good luck! You will do great!
p.s. I don't know how you two do it with that small space! I moved into a big home with Mike and I still feel overwhelmed with the amount of THINGS we both have...I dread having to move. even though I want to. lol
Yes, Ann, we do have a small space. Moving two living room/dining rooms/kitchens, four bedrooms and four bathrooms into a two bedroom/two bath condo was a bit difficult. LOTS of stuff gone - thrown out, donated, and ...not missed at all surprisingly. We are going to keep simplifying down because our goal isn't to accumulate anything else right now. (-: We'll be renting the condo out sometime in the next year and will just get new stuff for the bigger place. (-:
I hear you on the eating. I ate almost half a cake yesterday and it didn't even have frosting. Goodness!
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