Friday, November 11, 2011

Give a man a fish...or a Molly Maid

So, I've been working LONG hours lately. Really long hours. I even work in my sleep. Lots of initiatives, projects, tasks, politics and deadlines going on at work. It isn't all good and it isn't all bad either. It fluctuates day to day.

As a result, there is dust at my house!

Last night my husband stops while eating dinner and says this:

"Now don't be mad at me Rebecker, but I want to let you know that I had to do something you might not be happy about. I called Molly Maid and they are going to come and clean the house for a couple of hours tomorrow. I just had to do it. We aren't cleaners and I can't handle dust."

Well does one respond to that?

First off, I do know how to clean. I was taught well. We actually had cards for each room of our house growing up that listed the actions required to clean the room. Very detailed cards that were reviewed when we said "Hey Mom, I cleaned the bathroom, can I go play?"

Secondly, our house isn't THAT dirty. I mean, there is dust, and piles of books, and piles of paper, and piles of bills, and bags to go to the Goodwill and piles of clothing that we are taking to the dry cleaner and cans on the kitchen counter that don't fit in the cupboards and ....

Ok. Maybe I am neglectful of my surroundings.

So, I didn't get mad. I thanked him and asked the time they would be coming by.

And, I made sure I was nowhere to be found when the Molly Maid ladies arrived. I mean - how embarrassing to be the woman that can't clean her own house, right? Haaaaa.

Plus, I had to get some work work done on this beautiful Veteran's Day.

Well, as luck would have it - everyone else decided to use the free wi-fi at Barnes & Noble and my computer was out of juice. So, I didn't last very long working from an iPad and a Blackberry in the car. I ended up coming home 30 minutes before they left because I had a conference call that I had to do in front of a computer.

So, they saw me - the neglectful and dirty wife.

But, they were happy to get their couple of hundred dollars and now I have a clean house.

Moral of the story:

Sometimes the guy (or gal) already knows how to fish. So, you don't need to teach him.
Sometimes you've got to just give the guy a fish because they've forgotten what fish looks like, smells like, and feels like. All he needs is a fish as a gift and it will remind him of what he is missing.

Today my man gave me a fish - a Molly Maid crew to clean my house.

Now I  remember how this feels and I'll keep it this way or ...bring Molly Maid back in a few weeks. (-:

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