During the last few years I've taken off the entire Thanksgiving week from work to focus on my own special projects - exercising, scanning photos, typing in old journals into the computer, etc.
However, this year has been crazy busy at work and many of us just used the Monday - Wednesday part of the week to actually get work work done instead of coordinating so much of it. So, though I was teleworking on Wednesday, I was working all the way up until 6 or 7 p.m. and fully expecting to pull in some hours on Friday and Saturday while lounging around the house.
But, no...we ended up taking a lil roadtrip. We had intended on doing a 24 hour stint to visit J's kids, but weren't quite sure what part of Thanksgiving that would fall on or how that would work.
So, at 11 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning we went to the local Cracker Barrel and had a lil Thanksgiving meal and then came home, packed quickly and hit the road.
We found out along the way that we couldn't actually see the kids until Friday and so we took a detour and late evening we were nestled into a not so great hotel in Kirtland, Ohio. By the way, is it just me - even the four and five star hotels gross me out now.
But, I digress.
On Black Friday morning we arose fairly early and went down into historic Kirtland and saw a lot of older couple missionaries and a younger missionary all up and about getting the place ready for visitors. We walked around the Newel K. Whitney storefront, by the School of Prophets, and near the mill. It all was in great shape and it had obviously been updated since I was last there over 20 years ago.
We then drove up the hill to the Kirtland Temple which is still owned by the Community of Christ church.

It was great to walk the grounds alone. No one from the Community of Christ was at their visitor center and so we assumed it was closed for the day.
Right as we were walking toward it, the church across the street had an organist start playing "Till We Meet Again." That, along with the crisp (warm) morning air and being alone made it an especially peaceful experience.
The neighboring graveyard had many grave stones with familiar names - Smith, Stevenson, Pratt, etc. Standing among the graves of people who made great sacrifices brought feelings that I've felt at Gettysburgh, PA. Gratitude, respect, peace and a desire to push myself a little harder in life to stand for something and be something more than merely living a status quo.
We decided to head down into Ohio a bit more to see some Indian Mounds J had been hearing about. Sometimes it is more amazing to read about these things than actually see them in real life. But, again, I know that I had been to these mounds, or those that were similar, on one of those past family trips when I was young. Yet, I don't have a picture to prove it.
You can't go on a trip without visiting a local diner and we did just that - and sat up where we could talk to the waiters and waitresses as they shouted at each other and quite possibly us.
Notice how J also had to indulge in a Dairy Queen even while I try to be good. And, yes, the chocolate covered cone IS bigger than the vanilla cone he is eating. It isn't just bigger because it is closer to the camera.
A fun moment was seeing the Longaberger Baskets offices on a random drive near Newark, Ohio. The building looks like a big basket.

We ended up seeing J's kids after all this and the drive home was mostly in the dark through the mini-mountains of West Virginia and Virginia.
Trips are the best! They get us out of our norm and most important to me - I see people living life and they are OUTSIDE of the DC racket. Yes, there is a life out there and I'm excited to hit the road more to see it!
P.S. You will probably see another post above this since our moonroof decided not to close during our trip. Ugh. It was in the 60s and sunny the entire time, but now it is raining and presenting issues. More car sagas!
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