Well, I've been reminded by a few people that I haven't been blogging much lately. It is true. It's been such a beautiful spring for months now (literarily since January) and we've worked hard, traveled a bit for work or just gone on little weekend jaunts. It's been a little hard to get on the computer when I've got the urge to be out and about.
We've had a few miracles in the past few months and a few disappointments. That is life, right?
But, here are a few moments to share along the way. I'm promising myself to get back on here (after June) to keep a better record of my thoughts and such. Luckily, the journal is up to date and the blog has only suffered. Both have one reader. (-:
Us at Downtown Disney on Valentine's Day. We both went to the same conference. I had to speak at it one day, but it left the other days pretty flexible. |
Downtown Disney - practicing my night photography |
So awesome to see Sea World |
Celebrating my man's birthday at the dinner theater/josting event. Fun to do at least once! |
Enjoying some Georgetown Cupcakes. Line was only 15 minutes! |
Cherry Blossoms - a week or two before the festival they bloomed |
Paul's pasteries in downtown DC |
Two great friends - Harrison and Pam - Eastern Market visit to remember old times |
National Capital - beautiful spring flowers |
The man loves french food - so to Bethesda we go! |
Love the people in the DC area, especially when they dress in traditional attire while taking pictures with iPads. |
Visit to Gettyburg where I noticed the statue was using an iPad. Yes, I was grateful for the real historical events that took place there as well. (-: We love driving to Gettyburg to walk, think and pray. |
Two of my favorite little people - we pretend we are their aunt and uncle. |
Attending Scot's graduation. Congrats on medical school! George Washington University had their commencement on the National Mall and had Bryan Williams (NBC) as the speaker. Great event and speech. We'll miss Scot, Denisse and their kids (above). |
Canadian Geese live ALL over this part of town. I got to take a walk with them one day after work. I lead them right out of the neighborhood. Haaa. |
Youth Camp Counselor training - retreat this weekend to teach the YW leadership skills |
YW Camp Retreat - this has been what has kept me busy about 5-10 hours a week for the last two months. |
Rolling Thunder meets LDS temple - awesome |
After not ironing for a couple of years (seriously), I've held back shirts from the dry cleaner the last few weeks and cleaned/ironed them myself. It's been a satisfying break from all my computer work. |
Heard about this idea in Relief Society - make a link chain for something you are preparing for or that is stressing you out. I actually have some really long chains elsewhere, but these are for June 2012. I have to speak at five conference this next month and go to Young Women's Camp! A bit stressed, but will get through it! |
I created a manual out of all the papers we kept getting for camp! So, hopefully it simplified it down for the girls. We'll see. |
Always great to see long time friends. Here is one of my favorite mission companions and her family when they visited DC this spring. |
We have a winner! We had a logo contest for Nudge Village and a great graphic artist submitted and entry that I loved (and apparently so did most everyone else). Looking forward to building out this site more. Just been a bit sidetracked lately. |
1 comment:
I'm your one reader! :)
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