Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Sacred Grove

OK, I'll admit to mistakenly calling this post "My Sacred Groove" at first. Which, in this case, is the place I go to have quiet time and get "into the right groove" and so I guess grove or groove works, right?

In the land of trees (Virginia), it is great to have a wide open space that no one can build on as a result of the Civil War.

It is the one place I can see the horizon in every direction. I feel FREE...

It is a blessing in my life.

Now I'm introducing close friends to this spot. The place that I've walked and thought, cried and laughed, remembered and regretted and hoped and despaired. I will keep bringing them because maybe it can be their spot too.

I've written about it on this blog a lot, but I had to write it again. I've been their twice this weekend. Once with a friend and once by myself. Just the wind, the sun, the grass, the bugs, the deer and amazing clouds.

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1 comment:

ME said...

Hmmm....would love to see this place. I have always found a grove wherever I lived to go to and ponder...except Jakarta...never did find a peaceful place there...unless you count a 45 min plane ride to Bali and taking a kayak ride out into the ocean at sunset....but it wasn't somewhere I could escape at will. :(


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